Greetings everyone!

Log Horizon of Excalibur ( Legacy ) is a free company founded with a few things in mind. Efficiency, progression, and dedication prioritized on endgame content but not limited to it.

We are currently accepting applications for coil groups 1 and 2, as well as anyone else who wishes to be part of our free company.

Seeking 1 DPS for coil group 1, preferably a SMN, BRD, or MNK; in that order.

You MUST be able to play Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday from 9PM EST-midnight, sometimes later until new content is on farm.
You MUST have mumble, and a mic that works; no exceptions.
You must know your job in depth and be gearing it properly to meet new content acc caps.
Cockiness is fine, dont butt heads with other members or call people out on DPS.
Be able to take criticism, and be OPEN TO NEW STRATEGIES not outlined in videos from other FCs.
Voice your opinion if you have a suggestion on how things are being done, such as positioning.

Group 2
Seeking all jobs for coil group #2, times TBD.
This group is more casual, and just starting on endgame content. (BCoB 1-5)

Have mumble and a good mic, if I cant hear you clearly go spend 20$ so I can. Exceptions are godtier players (see below)
Don't think you're godtier, because if you were you wouldn't be here.
Unannounced lateness is unacceptable. You must be able to communicate with us in some way other than in game via one of the following: forums, google hangouts, text. We all use skype group chat to keep in touch in case of lates/absences.

Out of respect for other applicants please be i91+ on whatever job you apply as for group 1
Be at least i75 if applying for group 2.

Thanks for showing interest in LogH, a medium core guild with a hardcore mindset.
You must be logged into Guildwork in order to apply and/or view your application status.